Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians
Q & A Sessions for Veterinary Professionals
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FAB Advice for Veterinary Professionals!

As part of our support for Veterinary practices the FAB Clinicians Veterinary Subcommittee will be running a series of Q and A sessions for veterinary professionals. Each session will focus on a particular topic and after a short introduction we will open up for questions to our panel. You will have the opportunity to discuss principles of investigation and treatment as well as get advice on tricky cases (please make sure you maintain client confidentiality). These sessions are free to join. They are primarily aimed at those working in veterinary practice (vets, nurses, receptionists and support staff), but will also be open to members of FAB Clinicians

These sessions are kindly sponsored by Reconcile

Reducing Stress in the Veterinary Practice

Tamsin Durstan RVN BA (Hons) BSc (Hons) PTLLS and Emma Brown BVSc PGDip MRCVS CCAB

8pm on 9th December 2024

Name (required)

Email Address (required)

Primary Role

Behaviour Savvy Euthanasia

Linda Ryan BSc (Hons) VTS RVN CCAB

8pm on 3rd March 2025

Name (required)

Email Address (required)

Primary Role

Sleep & Behaviour – What do we know? How can we implement it? 

Carrie Tooley BSc BVetMed MSc PGCVE FHEA MRCVS CCAB RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Companion Animal Behaviour

8pm on 11th November 2024

Cooperative Care

Linda Ryan BSc (Hons) VTS RVN CCAB

8pm on 12th August 2024

Interactions Between Behaviour Medications And Other Medications

including general anaesthetic in small animals and equines

Lorella Notari DVM PGDip MSc PhD CCAB DipECAWBM(BM) MRCVS and Gemma Pearson BVMS Cert AVP(EM) MScR PhD CCAB MRCVS

8pm on 17th January 2024

Behavioural Effects of Medications in Small Animals

Lorella Notari DVM PGDip MSc PhD CCAB DipECAWBM(BM) MRCVS and Emma Brown BVSc PGDip MRCVS CCAB

8pm on 6th December 2023

The Pandemic puppies who are now anxious adolescents at the vets

Linda Ryan BSc (Hons) VTS RVN CCAB and Lynne Taylor MA (Oxon) MA VetMB MRCVS

8pm on 28th July2022

Cage / Box Rest – Coping with Confinement

Emma Brown BVSc PGDip MRCVS CCAB, Linda Ryan BSc (Hons) VTS RVN CCAB, Trudi Atkinson DipAS (CABC) RVN CCAB, Hannah Donovan BSc (Hons) BVM&S MVetSci MSc MRCVS CCABMRCVS

8pm on 29th November 2021

Grooming – Preparation for patients and how to guide owners

Linda Ryan BSc (Hons) VTS RVN CCAB, Lynne Taylor MA (Oxon) MA VetMB MRCVS and Emma Baker BVetMed MSc MRCVS

The live session was on 11th October 2021


Caroline Warnes BVSc MSc MRCVS CCAB , Lorella Notari PhD MSc MRCVS DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB
and Lynne Taylor MA (Oxon) MA VetMB MRCVS

The live session was on 22nd September 2021

Situational Medication

Sarah Penturn BSc MRCVS, Lorella Notari PhD MSc MRCVS DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB and Emma Brown BVSc PGDip MRCVS CCAB

The live session was on 23rd August 2021

The FAB Clinicians Veterinary Subcommittee have produced a handout on this topic which is available free to Veterinary Professionals. If you would like a copy please email office@fabclinicians.org stating which practice you work for.

Long term management of sound sensitivities

Emma Baker BVet Med MSc MRCVS, Emma Brown BVSc PGDip MRCVS CCAB and Caroline Warnes BVSc MSc MRCVS CCAB

This session was live on 6th April 2021

Help, I think its a behaviour case

The role of the vet team and how to refer to a clinical animal behaviourist

Lynne Taylor MA (oxon) MA VetMB MRCVS, Emma Baker BVet Med MSc MRCVS and Trudi Atkinson DipAS (CABC) RVN CCAB

The live session was on 22 February 2021

A Merry Covid Christmas – Helping Pets cope in a Pandemic year

Linda Ryan BSc (Hons) VTS RVN CCAB and Lynne Taylor MA (oxon) MA VetMB MRCVS 

The live session was on 10th December 2020

Emergency Management of Sound Sensitivities

Emma Baker BVet Med MSc MRCVS and Emma Brown BVSc PGDip MRCVS CCAB

The live session was on Monday 19th October 2020

Feline House Soiling

Trudi Atkinson DipAS (CABC) RVN CCAB and Caroline Warnes BVSc MSc MRCVS CCAB

The live session was on 12th August 2020

What Drives Us

Our Mission

To promote evidence based behavioural support for animals and their carers, to the highest scientific standards, in an empathetic and compassionate manner.

To forge strong links between animal carers, behaviourists and veterinary professionals.

To support the development of independently accredited practitioners in the field of clinical animal behaviour through mentoring, continuing professional development and supportive fellowship.