The Committee
The Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians committee are the Board of Directors of the company. They share a belief that Animal Behaviourists should work to the highest scientific standards and that behaviourists should have a rigorous independent assessment of both academic knowledge and practical skills.
The committee will work to ensure that the fellowship supports practising behaviourists whilst nurturing the next generation of behaviourists and maintaining strong links with the Veterinary profession.

Website Liaison

Veterinary Liaison
Dr Hannah Donovan BSc (Hons) BVM&S MVetSci MSc MRCVS CCAB

Professional Development Liaison – Certificated Members
Tamsin Durston RVN BA (Hons) BSc (Hons) PTLLS

Organisational Planning and Projects Liaison
Deborah Fry BSc(Hons) MSc CCAB

Membership Liaison and FABC Liaison to CCAB Certification Ltd
Claire Hargrave MSc, BSc(Hons), PGCE, CSci, CChem MRSC CCAB

Finance Liaison
Emma Lightfoot BSc (Hons), MSc, and CCAB (retired)

Events Liaison
Loni Loftus BSc(Hons), MSc, PgAEd

BSAVA & BVNA Liaison
Tina Parnell RVN, MA, PgDip CABC, Cert AAB

Charity Liaison
Kayna Prescott BSc (Hons) CCAB

Candidate and Student Liaison
Lynne Taylor MA (Oxon) MA VetMB MRCVS

Academic Liaison
Carole Valentine BSc MSc PhD