Tuesday 24 May 8-9.15pm – Mini Conference ‘by members for members’’
The Mini-Conference features 4 speakers from FABC Membership sharing their experience and insights into a range of topics. The ‘short presentation’ format will focus on key messages, aiming to create a rich ‘pic+mix’ CPD session. The informative and inspiring talks will also highlight special interests across FABC membership. This offers our members the opportunity to share knowledge within our encouraging community.
We look forward to welcoming and supporting:

Sam Lympany-Tier: Pet Bereavement: Supporting Clients Through Behavioural Euthanasia
Sam is currently a student member of FABC whilst completing her MSc Clinical Animal Behaviour with Edinburgh University, following this she hopes to work towards gaining her feline CCAB accreditation. By day, Sam works as a veterinary care assistant and client emotional support advisor at Optivet Referrals, focusing on fear free practice and patient (and client!) emotional welfare. By night, Sam runs her own business “Feline Fine Behaviour”, offering: new cat guardian support; co-operative care training and introduction programmes! Before venturing into the feline world, Sam worked as a falconer and education officer, and still calls herself a strict bird nerd!
Celia Haddon: Love in Cold Blood: Are humans emotionally attached to reptiles?
Celia Haddon is a journalist who studied animal behaviour in retirement. One of her interests, other than cats, is human attachment. Her presentation describes her study on whether people love their reptiles. It has been published in Anthrozoos as “Love in Cold Blood: Are Reptile Owners Emotionally Attached to Their Pets?”

Kirsty MacQueen: Lessons from the classroom: school dog assessments and the important opportunities these present to improve the welfare of dogs in schools.
Kirsty MacQueen, MA, CAEBS, ABTC-ATI, is currently the Program Delivery & Development Manager at Therapawsitive CIC (Scotland), providing dog-assisted interventions
predominantly to children and young people in secure settings, schools, residential and foster care. She has over 10 years experience as an ABTC and APDT (UK) registered dog trainer and holds a Master’s Degree in Human Animal Interaction from The University of Stirling. Kirsty currently serves on the Animal Assisted Play Therapy® International Certification Board (an organisation of which she is alsocertified member).
Tamsin Durston: A brief introduction to human behaviour
Tam is a Registered Veterinary Nurse, Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Accredited Dog Training Instructor. She is Dogs Trust’s Veterinary Engagement Manager, leading a clinical team with the aim of embedding canine principles within the provision of veterinary care and influencing positive behaviour change in the veterinary and dog-owning communities. Tam is in her 3rd year of an MSc in Human Behaviour Change, the application of which she has found invaluable