Remote-based animal behaviour consultations are a long-established and successful practise which many clinical animal behaviourists utilise. These typically rely on the clinician gathering comprehensive data related to the animals unwanted behaviour, as well as data concerning their general characteristics, health, environment and routine. This allows the clinician to make an accurate behaviour diagnosis and recommend an evidence-based behaviour modification plan which is bespoke to both the animal and its caregiver.
Clinical animal behaviourists may have individual processes and resources for remote-based behaviour consultations, but common features for information-gathering can include questionnaires, obtaining specific and non-compromising video-footage or real-time footage (as instructed by the clinician), and home layout maps including related to entrance/exit areas and windows. The actual behaviour consultation may be conducted via a video-conferencing platform, and clinicians often take responsibility for organising this platform, inviting their caregiver client to join this and then putting their client at ease throughout the process. Remote-based consultations are typically followed by a detailed behaviour report which is sent to both the caregiver and referring Veterinary Surgeon and then support is provided as per specified terms. Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourists (CCAB) only work with referral from a Veterinary Surgeon, as applies with non-remote similar consultancy work they may undertake.
Animal behaviour consultations can be highly effective in understanding and modifying problem behaviour in companion animals. It is always beneficial for problem behaviour to be addressed as soon as possible. This is to maximise safety and/or welfare for the animal and caregiver, as appropriate, and because the less time unwanted behaviour is rehearsed for, the less established it will typically be.
There can be advantages to remote-based consultations as opposed to in-person ones, which include a greater geographical outreach and access to specific expertise for caregivers, less stress for animals who may otherwise be negatively impacted by the clinician being present, and the ability for clinicians to observe the animals behaviour without being present and risking modifying behaviour as a consequence.
The Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians has many members offering remote-based behaviour consultations and other animal-related services. Please look at our ‘find a behaviourist’ page for further information.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
To promote evidence based behavioural support for animals and their carers, to the highest scientific standards, in an empathetic and compassionate manner.
To forge strong links between animal carers, behaviourists and veterinary professionals.
To support the development of independently accredited practitioners in the field of clinical animal behaviour through mentoring, continuing professional development and supportive fellowship.